Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary-Adventure and Education - Way Kambas National Park

SUMATRAN RHINO SANCTUARY - Way Kambas National Park - Adventure and Education.
You can see the Sumatran Rhino Habitat in Way Kambas National Park and other wild animals.
Save the Sumatran Rhino and save the forest.
you can get more information in

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For you will be visiting the habitat Orangutans in Tanjung Puting National Park.
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Buluh River

New ... Wild Orangutans

We would invite you to visit a new place in the area of ​​Tanjung Puting National Park.
All that we see nothing benign, all wild.
Different river but still one area to Tanjung Puting National Park.
Many will you have encountered, if you come to this area, it was amazing.
I think, this is Indonesia Amazon

Welcome to our website

This website contains the Orangutan Tours and Dayak people Tours.
We as owners of boats that usually used to visit Tanjung Puting National Park.
For several years we've learned a lot about how to serve guests properly.
We want to be first and foremost for the Orangutan and Dayak People Tour.
One our pride, if you tour with us indirectly you are helping to preserve nature and the Orangutan.
As most of our profits, we will donated to the environment and the Orangutan.


 For serving food and drinks, you have two choices:
1. Food and Beverages Indonesia.
2. Food and beverages Central Borneo

Attention to visitors

Obeying the rules in force, always use guides, is prohibited precede or go without inform, your guide.
Keep your stamina is well during the tour takes place.

Welcome to choose your tour.
Sweet Greetings From Central Borneo